Burley Flames

The world’s most efficient wood-burning stoves

Burley Flames

the world’s cleanest burning stoves

Burley Flames

made with pride entirely in the United Kingdom

Wood Burning Stoves

Experience Unrivaled Warmth and Efficiency with Burley Fireball Wood Burning Stoves.

Crafted with over 50 years of heating expertise, our Fireball range represents the pinnacle of British engineering. Designed, developed, and manufactured entirely in the UK, these stoves redefine wood-burning performance.

At the heart of our innovation is the patented Fireball air injection technology. This unique system ensures exceptionally clean burning and unmatched fuel efficiency, guaranteeing you more warmth from less wood. This creates a stove so advanced that Burley is the only company that can guarantee that their wood burners will use less fuel than any comparable stove you may currently have.

Embrace sustainability without compromise. All our stoves surpass Eco Design 2022 and ClearSkies standards, earning either Ecoexcel or Ecoelite approval. Choose a Burley Fireball and experience the future of wood heating.

All of Our Fireball Wood Burners are Ecodesign Ready

Shopping for a wood stove? You've likely come across 'Ecodesign Ready.' But what does that really mean? In a nutshell, it's about cleaner burning. By 2022, all new wood stoves sold in Europe had to meet strict standards for air pollution and particulate emissions, set by the Ecodesign directive. This means cleaner air for everyone, and more efficient stoves for you.

After 2022 all stoves sold in Europe must pass Ecodesign, but to allow you to identify which manufacturer’s products squeak by and which are truly clean, green and a benefit to all, Burley has introduced far more demanding criteria and is encouraging the rest of the industry to follow our lead.

This stove is so frugal and efficient that I can get a great night’s heating from 3 or 4 logs and it is still warm in the morning.

Ashdown 9408-C

2022 approved Ecoexcel. For stoves to display Ecoexcel they must satisfy the higher efficiency of 79%+ and also all the reduced cleaner emissions.

All my friends have wood burning stoves. None are as efficient as this one or give such a dazzling display

Bradgate 9305

2022 approved Ecoelite. If a stove has earned the accolade of Ecoelite you can be assured that you have purchased an absolute state-of-the-art product with particulate levels of less than 1/3rd that of a stove which is merely Ecodesign.

We still absolutely love this stove, it's burning now, amazing flame picture, just the right amount of controllable heat... I could go on.

Stapleford 9205

Burley Flames

FAQs About Wood Burners

Here are some commonly asked questions about Wood Burners. For more detailed buying guides and general FAQs please visit our Blog.

Guides & FAQs
  • Can I burn multi-fuels in my wood burning appliance?

    There’s always a temptation to slow down a fire, either in an attempt to make it last longer or in order to reduce the heat, by turning down the air controls on your stove. Don’t do it. The fuel will still burn, but more smoke and moisture will be emitted. This is not only bad for the environment (and makes you Public Enemy Number One among your neighbours) it will ruin your flue. Moreover, you’ll get no heat out of it so you will be wasting your money. The approval testing on our stoves was done with wood logs, these burn at a consistent rate & temperature according to the volume of air added. This is quite carefully worked out to achieve the efficiency figures quoted so that the glass, paint & vermiculite panels can withstand the energy dispersed. The issue with using other fuels is that they can burn too hot with air controls that are set up for wood & will not be sensitive enough for faster-burning fuel. This could overheat the glass, paint & vermiculite panels if allowed to burn on maximum air setting.

  • What fuel can I burn on my solid fuel stove or inset?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut feugiat elit. Cras congue id diam sit amet faucibus. Aliquam ex ex, varius ut lacinia quis, commodo efficitur diam. Maecenas hendrerit fermentum nunc quis sollicitudin. Fusce massa lectus, scelerisque eget enim a, condimentum varius augue. Curabitur et hendrerit dolor.

  • Where can I find the serial number for my wood burning stove?

    The data plate is typically attached to the rear air control during manufacturing. However, it's possible it was removed and provided to the customer along with their commissioning certificate. To identify the exact model, if you can measure the width of the top lid, please compare it to the details in the appliance instructions.